Images courtesy of Megan Kenyon
To Know This Place (detail), Michele Heather Pollock
The Swarms / Songs of praise (detail) by Kelly Kruse
The Night Watch, John DenHouter
i’m the worst!!, Taylor Yocom
Teachers Uniform, Manuel Garcia Cruz
You’ve Gotta Point, Michael Fleishman
Open Door : Natalie Christensen
Take a Left at the Silos (detail), Aly Ytterberg
The Way Back, Kristin Nalesnik
Halo 2: The Revealing : The WYJ Creative
Dovetailing2021 : Juliet Gutch, Clare Dearnaley & Sally Beamish
Wooded Vibrations : David Blow
Bone Stone I : Linnea Ryshke
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh : April Parviz
Enlightment... (In Autumn) : Robert Eustace
Red Chair : Aida Hasanović
Muna by Bill Perry
Thank You : Margaret Nicholson
Untitled (anti) Landscape : Allana Ross
Pleasant to the Sight : Delro Rosco
Olivea : Philip Padilla